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What issues are you facing right now? "Spotting and dealing with issues fast in restaurants and when managing hotel operations"

My top priority is “Improving operational efficiency to streamling hotel management”

Why reacting fast is vital when managing hotel operations

In hospitality, a large portion of our daily operational checks are to ensure we comply with health and safety regulations. We have a responsibility to keep our teams and guests safe. 

A faulty fridge thermometer that isn’t spotted on time could lead to food poisoning in one of your guests. Slips and trips are the most common hazards in hotels. Accidents can lead to legal action and reputational damage, so it’s vital to ensure your team are regularly checking that carpets, floor tiles and steps are in good condition. 

Employee satisfaction may also suffer if certain issues are not quickly resolved. Working in a hot kitchen environment is challenging enough but imagine if the air conditioning breaks down and takes weeks to be fixed. Essentially, achieving operational efficiency will make managing hotel operations so much easier and you venue, safer for everyone.

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