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Bulk Upload
Pointed bulk csv upload back to OS API (/bulk-upload) for translation to standardised csv format.
Operator model
Add cascading delete to Operator model.
Optimisation of MapalOS angular framework to reduce load times.
Bulk Feed
Updated the processing of the user bulk feed from Azure storage.
Unit Tests
Improved tests related to classes with entity details.
Azure Functions
Updates to Azure function Always On.
Administration/Edit Business Unit
Removed the Reputation section for Edit Business Unit as it was not in use.
Audit Log
Now includes log tracking for employee created/updated and departments created/updated.

Bug Fixes

Received multiple alerts for api-500-status-code on mapalos-um-prod. Fixed by making ListUserOperatorIdsByEmail case-insensitive and added additional logging for create-user endpoint.
Investigated an OOM killed alert. Increased the amount of k8s resources allocated, and number of replicas. Rolled back changes to CPU resource usage limitations.

API Updates

Application insights
Set up Application Insights in Azure for API's
GET /operators/{operatorId}/business-units
Endpoint updated to include business unit category group and category.
GET /operators/{operatorId}/business-units/{businessUnitId}
Endpoint updated to include business unit category group and category.
GET /operators/{operatorId}/extended-users/{userId}
New endpoint to display applications available to a user within an operator.
GET /operators/{operatorId}/business-units
Endpoint updated to remove the Reputation section as it was not in use.
POST /operators/{operatorId}/business-units
Endpoint updated to remove the Reputation section as it was not in use.
PUT /operators/{operatorId}/business-units/{businessUnitId}
Endpoint updated to remove the Reputation section as it was not in use.
GET /operators/{operatorId}/business-units/{businessUnitId}
Endpoint updated to remove the Reputation section as it was not in use.