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Departments was added to OS under Configuration > Business Management. You can now add one or many Departments to an Operator and then assign one of those departments to an employee in Add/Edit Employee department dropdown. Department is not a required field in OS.


The status of an employee will now be updated in OS if it is updated through the sync, bulk upload or User edit.
When a user is associated to an employee, the start date is no longer a required field.
Added sort arrows to Administration>Users so that information can now be ordered by various columns.
UX/UI updates implemented for Edit Users in Administration. Edit user now shows in a side drawer on the right and the Accept button was changed to Update. There are now three tabs in Edit User: Details, Permissions and Access. The Phone number field now includes a flag drop down to select country and displays the country's dialing code in the input field.

Bug fixes

Configuration/Business Units
Fixed the bug where a missing permissions error message was displaying when viewing a business unit with the correct permissions enabled.
User bulk upload
Updated the accepted DateTime format and added error messaging for invalid field in bulk upload.
Fixed the bug in Edit User where the employee business unit was not displaying on page refresh and was not updating the employee in Employees section.