- Filter Updates
- In this sprint we updated the filters in Mapal One to include a 'Reset Filters' button. This means users are now able to more easily able to set the filters back to their default state.
- Read Chat Permissions
- Permissions for admin users can now be read for both group chats created in Mapal One and group chats created in Engagement.
- Knowledge Checks updates
- We have started work on V2 of Knowledge Checks, which involves the ability to assign Knowledge Checks outside of a Collection. The work we did this sprint involved creating the tiles for Mapal One.
- GIR updates
- We also made some updates to the GIR project in Mapal One as we move closer to aiming to release.
- Product Switcher
- We have now added in the Product Switcher to Mapal One. This will allow users with access to other products to switch to these from Mapal One.