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Filter Updates
In this sprint we updated the filters in Mapal One to include a 'Reset Filters' button. This means users are now able to more easily able to set the filters back to their default state.
Read Chat Permissions
Permissions for admin users can now be read for both group chats created in Mapal One and group chats created in Engagement.
Knowledge Checks updates
We have started work on V2 of Knowledge Checks, which involves the ability to assign Knowledge Checks outside of a Collection. The work we did this sprint involved creating the tiles for Mapal One.
GIR updates
We also made some updates to the GIR project in Mapal One as we move closer to aiming to release.
Product Switcher
We have now added in the Product Switcher to Mapal One. This will allow users with access to other products to switch to these from Mapal One.

Bug fixes

Menu Items
We were seeing an intermittent issue where menu items were disappearing which we have now resolved.