- Tile Updates
- We have made some design updates to the tiles being used across Mapal One. This includes changing position of the resource icon as well as the 'favourite' icon with has changed from a star to a bookmark.
- Knowledge Checks in Mapal One
- We have continued to implement the Knowledge Checks feature, which includes tile into Mapal One as well as the ability to answer a Knowledge Check. We are aiming to have this fully released at the beginning of November.
- Read Confirmation
- For companies using Engagement news, we will have added a ‘Read confirmation’ button to news items if they are set up with it in admin, so that users can confirm they have seen a news article.
- External Links updates
- If a user has external links set up in Flow and in Engagement then these will now show in the External Links page in Mapal One.
- Manager average rating in Appraisals
- We have now included the manager’s rating of the learner in the appraisal for the learner to see. This will be shown or hidden in accordance with sign off settings.
- Chat username in groups
- Previously if a user was added to a group or if they left a group, the chat would show their ID rather than their name. We have updated this to show their name.
- Operator switcher improvements
- In this sprint we looked at improvements to the operator switcher. This means that when users switch operator they will be taken to the dashboard rather than trying to find the equivalent page in the new operator. If a company is engagement only, then they will be taken to the feed page instead of the dashboard.
- Hide block title
- This has been brought in from the Engagement product, and it is the ability to hide the block title that is set up in the admin system, from learners in Mapal One.
- Pluralisation of comments
- We have made an update so that when there is 1 comment on a news item or a forum post then this will show as ‘1 comment’ (singular) rather than ‘1 comments’ (plural).
- Hide admin options in chat
- In this sprint have hidden admin options within the chat from non admin users. This is mainly to clarify the actions the user has available to them, because previously even if the user were to click on the action it would not perform any process.
- Hide anonymous checkbox in Suggestion Boxes
- This is another engagement feature that we have brought into the product. Companies now have the option to remove the anonymity option on suggestion box items, so that they can get more clarity and information on where suggestions are coming from.
- Search tags in Explore Learning
- We have added this in as it was an enhancement request. Many companies have lots of tags in use in explore learning, so we have added in a way to search through these on the Explore Learning page.