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Addition of new languages
We have now added more language coverage on Mapal One. The languages we have added are Albanian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Bulgarian and Greek.
GIR Updates
In this sprint we made some design updates to the GIR project.
Chat Design Updates
We also made some design updates to the Chat section in Engagement enabled companies. This covered the attachments section, the members list and the pinned messages section.
Compliance Drawer
The compliance drawer in Mapal One received some design updates in this sprint.

Bug fixes

App not loading on iOS 16
We had to make a fix in this sprint to ensure that the application loads correctly on iOS 16.
Additional Learning PDF preview
The PDF preview in Additional Learning, was rendering poorly and cutting off part of the preview. This has now been resolved.
Header Size in Engagement News
We discovered an issue where if header stylings were used in the editor in News in Engagement enabled companies, then this wasn't being respected in Mapal One.
Knowledge Checks Due Dates
In this sprint we took a look at an issue where due dates were not showing on Knowledge Checks. This is now resolved.
Mark Holiday as Viewed
There was an issue where users were unable to mark a holiday as viewed in GIR enabled operators. We have now fixed this and users are able to mark holidays as viewed.
Agile Feedback Date Break
For months with more characters we were seeing a line break in the summary section for Agile Feedback. We are now going to be using the appropriate month abbreviations instead of the full month.