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Agile Feedback auto refresh
We have added an auto refresh to the Agile Feedback feature so that when a user submits an evaluation it will immediately move to the correct section i.e. sent to be validated, given etc.
Agile Feedback Read Only button
In this sprint we have added the read only button for evaluation responses to every step in the manager process.
Dutch language
We have added the Dutch language to Mapal One in this sprint.
Agile Feedback Reviews Pill
The reviews pill is now hidden unless the user has been nominated as a manager on an evaluation.
Average rating on appraisals
If a platform has learner ratings enabled in Appraisals, this rating will pull through to Mapal One. We've also added a note at the top to show that ‘*’ means mandatory.

Bug fixes

Initials in chat were showing first name initial, next letter of first name. We have changed this now to show firstname and surname intitals.
Where the language was not set to English, we were not showing the branch names on leaderboards. This is now resolved.
Explore Learning
The option for downloading PDFs via Explore Learning was not working on Android devices. We have fixed this.
The options against messages to reply/pin/delete were showing inconsistently for users. This has now been resolved.
Agile feedback
We made amendments to the sizing of the tiles in the overview page for consistency.