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Update to new colour palette
We have updated to the new colour palette in order to contribute towards the accessibility updates.
Improvements on initialisation process
We have been looking into the initialisation process i.e. when a user logs in and how this is handled across the various products.
SSO from Compliance tile to Compliance
This improvement means that users when clicking the Compliance tile in desktop, and if they're logged in to Mapal OS, will be taken to Compliance.
Appraisal Save Modal
We have added a pop up on Appraisal pages to warn users that they're about to navigate without saving. This should help to prevent users losing any work accidentally.
Ability to favourite a Recipe Card
As an enhancement to Recipe Cards, we have added the ability for users to be able to favourite their key recipes.
Ensure brandable label is being picked up for all Noticeboard Areas
We did a review to ensure that relabeling is being picked up in all appropriate places for Noticeboards.
General accessibility updates
We have made some general accessibility updates to areas such as avatars and breadcrumbs.
Likes/dislikes to be hidden
In cases where likes/dislikes are selected to be disabled in Engagement News articles, we have ensured that these are hidden on the feed carousel.
Increase of upload limit on External Training uploads
We also increased the upload limit on External Training uploads to 100mb from 10mb.
Update to android SDK version
In this sprint we ensured that we updated our android SDK version.
Schedule Navigation
We have now provided the ability to move one week at a time with arrows in 'Week' schedule view rather than a day at a time.
Schedule to Include Month View
We worked on adding in the month view to the schedule. This joins the 'Week' and 'Day' views that have also been added recently.

Bug fixes

Ability to favourite Noticeboards Items
There was an issue where users were not able to favourite Noticeboard items, however this has now been resolved.
Issue with Noticeboards Item image in Collections
Noticeboard items were not pulling through their images when in Collections. This is now resolved.