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WebinarEmbracing neurodiversity in hospitality

Are you striving to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace for neurodivergent team members? Understanding and embracing neurodiversity can significantly enhance team dynamics and productivity in the hospitality industry. Whether you're looking to implement inclusive practices, tailor learning experiences or foster a supportive culture, there are effective strategies to ensure everyone thrives. 

In this video, you'll gain practical and actionable insights from Hannah Plumb and Paula Jackson-McDonald (The Alchemist) and James McLuckie (Mapal). They discuss:

  • The importance of recognising and valuing neurodiversity

  • Inclusive practices to support neurodivergent team members

  • Strategies for flexible and tailored learning experiences

  • Real-life examples and success stories from leading organisations in hospitality

Watch now to learn how to foster an environment where all team members can succeed and contribute their best. And make sure you pair your viewing with our eBook, Embracing neurodiversity in hospitality: Insights from Dr. Divya Dawar, for an even deeper understanding!

We hope you enjoy.


James McLuckie

Chief Learning Officer, MAPAL Group

Hannah Plumb

Talent and Culture Director

Paula Jackson-McDonald

Senior Front of House Trainer

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