Preventative maintenance and facilities management for restaurants
Make preventative maintenance key to smoother operations with real-time tracking, reports and KPI information for all your facilities in one dashboard.
Preventative maintenance is carrying out regular and scheduled maintenance for the equipment, fixtures and fitting of your restaurant, hotel or bar to help avoid unexpected failures in the future. In a nutshell, it’s just about keeping things in good condition so that they won’t let you down when you least expect them to.
When equipment and facilities are not maintained regularly, the result is last-minute failures that lead to wasted time, money and resources. Repair is usually more expensive than preventative maintenance, and in many cases, you may need to buy new replacements when the lifespan of your existing equipment could have been extended with the correct maintenance in place. Without a regular maintenance system in place, your business also risks being non-compliant and failing inspections, which leads to complications and higher costs. This, not to mention the added stress on your teams who may be taken away from their work to attempt to solve issues, and the inability to offer guests the service they expect. Your guests will also be disappointed or dissatisfied too.
Every business is different,as is each piece of equipment. Many companies who perform preventative maintenance follow the 80:20 rule, meaning that 80% of your maintenance approach should be preventative (regular and scheduled maintenance) with only 20% dedicated to unexpected jobs (reactive maintenance).
What are the main steps in setting up a preventative maintenance plan?
Obviously performing efficient maintenance of all your assets in hospitality needs careful planning if you are to avoid unexpected failures, especially with the amount and different types of equipment that restaurants and hotels operate.
Depending on your equipment, maintaining your facilities to prevent unexpected failure usually consists of adjustments, cleaning, lubrication, repairs and replacements and each piece of equipment should have its own checklist to ensure efficiency.
To create a successful plan for all your assets, there are certain steps you have to take:
Set goals and priorities
Do a complete asset inventory and task list
Manage priorities and resources
Create KPIs for your preventative maintenance plan
Review and improve
It’s safe to say that carrying out a successful plan requires a lot of organisation, time, paperwork and analysis. A dedicated hospitality EAM software will bring countless efficiencies to this process, cutting down time, digitising all documentation, automatically notifying all priorities, alerts and tasks, analysing data to give your clear progress and KPI reports and warning you of potential failures before they happen. You can reap these benefits with Facilities by MAPAL, ensure your organisation stays compliant while saving time, money and resources.