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App Insights
We now log unhandled exceptions to app insights for failed requests.
App Insights
Connected admin-sync to Application Insights.
GIR sync
Created a Service Bus and "Employees" topic in terraform for GIR Employee sync.
Unit Tests
Improved tests related to services classes.
Enabled Horizontal Pod Autoscaling and optimised resource usage.
Flow Sync
We are now able to configure, by environment, which Flow operators we want to synchronize using Id's. If there are no operators defined for that environment, all operators will be synchronized.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where maintain employee permission was missing employee:delete.
Fixed a bug where the permission "Can access all operators" was still showing as enabled after it has been disabled for a user.
Fixed console errors on the operators page when creating a new operator.

API Updates

GET /v2/users/{userId}/applications
Updated the endpoint to include operator name and application URL.
GET v1/operators/{operatorId}/applications
Updated endpoint to include the application code.
PATCH /v1/operators/{operatorId}/employees/{employeeId}
Created an endpoint to update an employee with PATCH.