Make Spiking History
Drink and drug spiking doesn’t only happen to women: one in ten women and one in seventeen men believe they’ve had a drink spiked.
What’s more, just 27% of women and 30% of men think a venue wouldn’t take them seriously if they were spiked.

We’ve developed a free learning module, Make Spiking History to help you protect your customers and staff, as well as your venue’s reputation.
In this module, your team will learn:
- How to prevent spiking in your venue
- How to spot the signs if a guest has been spiked
- What to do if they suspect non-consensual intoxication
Sign up for this free module if you’d like to raise your team’s awareness about how to deal with drink spiking. As an extra, we’ll also give you access to our Safe & Sound module, to raise team awareness about how to protect themselves, and your customers.
And don’t worry if you’re not a Flow Learning customer, we’ll give you access too.
I’m interested in the free drink spiking module
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