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Collections Feature
We're very excited to announce that the Collections MVP feature is now live. Users can now build, publish and assign Collections out to their learners through assigned learning. Next we will be looking at working on the ability to lock the order down, and the ability to add Collections to Training Structures.
Language update
We have recently added Finnish, Danish and Norwegian to the Mapal One, further expanded our language base and our offering to learners in more languages.
Styling of hyperlinks
Users will now see underlines added to any hyperlinks that are added via editors within the system. This should make links clearer for users.
Left hand menu
The first thing that you will probably notice when you encounter the updated version of Mapal One is the left hand navigation. Previously this was on the other side of the page. This offers more consistency across all the products and left hand navigation allows for a faster, slicker experience.
Hover animation on menu
As well as being on the left hand side, the menu now opens on hover of the reduced menu bar. This reduces the amount of required clicks for the user. This also allows the user to see the menu items without having to click into it.
Menu subcategories
In the updated version of the Mapal One menu, users can click on a category i.e. 'Learning' to reveal the associated subcategories such as 'Required by You' or 'Recommended for You'. This allows for a much cleaner user interface, instead of having all of the drawers open at once.
Rounded header
We will now have the header on the dashboard appearing in a rounded style on the Mapal One as part of the design refresh. Please see the screenshot below.
Small logo in collapsed menu
Also in the screenshot below, you will notice a new addition to the menu. We are using the small navigation icon that is also used in the Management System. If there isn't an icon there the system will default to the Mapal One logo. This will only show in the collapsed version of the menu, and when the menu is expanded it will show the larger icon.

Bug fixes

Completed Learning Items
We have completed work to include Explore Learning and External Training to Completed Learning. This was not appearing previously.
Noticeboard Feature Error
When disabling the noticeboard feature in the management system, this was not being respected in the menu structure in Mapal One. This has now been resolved.
Workbook Message Error
Upon submit of a workbook, the toast message was saying 'Item has been saved' which is incorrect for a submit action. This has been updated.