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Schedule Master Tile Component
We have created a master tile schedule component, and we have now linked all the various resource types (i.e. appraisals, surveys, workbooks etc.) to it so we can update the design look and feel of them all at once.
Tag user in comments in News
This sprint we worked on the ability to tag users in News comments in Engagement enabled companies. We have ensured that users are only able to tag the users who can see the news post and not everyone in the company.
Ability for user to hide reviews on profile
If a user decides that they do not want customer reviews on their profile, they now have the ability to turn these off if they choose.
Recognitions Deep Link updates
In engagement enabled companies we have made a small change to the behaviour of the recognition deep link. This now goes to the recognition detail rather than the see all view of the user's recognitions.
Increase prominence of ‘See details’
In engagement enabled companies we recognised that the ‘see details’ or ‘see more’ links in News and Forums could be more prominent so we addressed that in this sprint.
System message updates
We reviewed the system messages in Mapal One and have made some styling/colour updates to these in this sprint.
Icon updates
We have made some updates to the icons for competences and surveys in Mapal One.
Holiday validation updates
In the GIR project, we have added some validation for when users are selecting preferred holiday dates. We also added a confirmation message for deleting a holiday preference.
General chat enhancements
We have made some improvements to the stylings and design of the chat functionality i.e. chat list, group chat view and within the chat.
Redirection for invalid link
Now when someone enters an invalid link they will be redirected to the Mapal One dashboard, or if they have Engagement only enabled they will be directed to the feed page.
Noticeboard Subcategories
In this release learners will be able to see noticeboard items within subcategories that have been set up by their company.

Bug fixes

Noticeboard Card Images
We have made a fix to ensure that noticeboard images are displaying correctly on cards.
Engagement within Mapal One
Some users were unable to see Engagement within Mapal One in app and this was to do with local device storage which we have now fixed.