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Appraisal save method
We have now implemented both an autosave and a manual save within appraisals. Emails to trainees will only be triggered on manual save. Users will be offered a modal to ensure they're happy to send emails to learners, otherwise they can click cancel and any other changes will be covered by the autosave.
Collection item actions
When viewing the collection in the learner profile, users will now have actions on the individual items such as edit and delete.
Collections locked order
User can now opt to lock a collection order down, so that learners cannot proceed to the next item without first completing the one previous to it. This order can be locked via a toggle within the management system for a collection template and learners will see locked items with a padlock overlay within Mapal One.

Bug fixes

Collection due dates
We have now ensured that Collection due dates are shown on the tiles in the Collection 'See all' page.